Posting pics

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Posting pics

Postby Glen » 15 Apr 2009 09:26

Never tried posting pics before but I've got loads from last year and I thought I'd have a try with a few ! Got them uploaded onto imageshack no problem (dont know if this is the best way to do it ! ) but unsure where to go from here. Tried copy and paste onto the photo gallery but that just seems to put the code for the pic in, is this correct ? You're help would be appreciated !
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Postby reesy1959 » 15 Apr 2009 09:59

I cant access it now, as I am in work, but this is what Col wrote on the other page.

To post a piccie via Image Shack then the following simple instructions will help you along the way.

You will already have the piccie stored on your PC at this time.

Log into

Select browse

Select the box underneath that says 640 x 480 ( for message boards) and tick the box on the left of it. ( this resizes your pics to a size suitable for viewing without stretching the page)

Select start upload

Ignore all the boxes EXCEPT for the HOTLINK FOR FORUMS (1)

Untick the left hand box that says "Include Details" then copy the whole of the box and then paste it into te ICR box and bingo you have a piccie for us all to view.


To Copy and Paste on Image Shack

Left mouse button clicked and move the cursor over the whole of the box, this will highlight the box blue , then press CTRL and C to copy.

Open ICR reply box where you wish to post a piccie and make sure the cursor is flashing in the box and press CTRL and V to paste.
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Postby reesy1959 » 15 Apr 2009 09:59

Good luck.
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Postby Glen » 15 Apr 2009 14:27

Thanks for the info. Dont know if its me being thick (probably), but those are the same instructions I tried to follow. I got as far as the upload and succeeded in uploading the pics onto imageshack but I couldnt see Hotlink for forums button or the include details one to untick !! So thats still where I'm at.
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Postby Colette » 15 Apr 2009 14:35

as long as you copy and paste the code into the box, it will convert to an image when you press submit, try it out in here and we can see how you are going :D

Postby Glen » 15 Apr 2009 14:45

Cheers Colette, seems youre helping everyone over the same problem today !!
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Postby Colette » 15 Apr 2009 14:46

he he always the same problems this time of year :D

Postby Glen » 15 Apr 2009 14:48

Here goes !!

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Postby Glen » 15 Apr 2009 14:48

Thanks Colette that looks ok
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Postby Colette » 15 Apr 2009 14:56

See easy when you know how, now go post lots for us to view and dream of our holidays :lol:

Postby Glen » 19 Apr 2009 13:59

Sorry to be a pest again but what am I doing wrong ? The last pics I posted (Tired eyes and nice touches) have all come out as thumbnails, why ? I resized the pics when I uploaded them to Imageshack to 640x480(for messageboards) as per the instructions but when pasted to the photo gallery they appear as thumbnails. I've found how to get rid of the black bar with the pic size but am unable to resize them. Help appreciated please.
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Postby Colette » 20 Apr 2009 18:06

Did you deffo tick the resize box? and post the right link ?

That looks like the "thumbnail for forums link" not the "hotlink for forums link"

Try and post them again and I will delete the other ones and see how we go from there :D

Postby Sue » 05 Jun 2009 20:47

i tried to put some pictures on but it only gives me the option for thumbnail not hot link
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Postby Colette » 06 Jun 2009 08:24

The hotlink option should be further down the page unless Image shack is having a weird attack at the time

Postby davy boy » 27 Jul 2009 13:28

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Postby reesy1959 » 27 Jul 2009 13:59

Well done Davy boy and welcome to the forum.
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Re: Posting pics

Postby victoria b » 13 Aug 2009 21:37

im following instructions as per 2nd posting by Colette. ive logged onto imageshack. Where does it say select browse???? i dont see it!!
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Re: Posting pics

Postby Colette » 14 Aug 2009 09:35

On the right there are 2 boxes cancel / browse


Re: Posting pics

Postby grit68 » 18 Aug 2009 21:57

[img] [img]
Just gonna test posting a pic in here...
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Re: Posting pics

Postby skilly » 22 Oct 2009 16:29

I am really trying so hard to upload my pics to the forum but so far am having no luck.
I select browse and select the pics , change the size to 640/480 and then upload and all that happens is the bottom bar at the top seems to be uploading but nothing is happening at the top ,it just goes on and on ,on the bottom bar. please help as i spent about 3 hours last night and still can;t do it. :cry:
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