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a good book

10 Mar 2009 21:24

I have just read a book by Jacky Trevane called 'Fatwa'
It was quite good..... its about a western girl marrying an Egyptian and living in Eygpt. She marries after only knowing him for about a week or so, she is swept off her feet.
Her eyes are soon opened when she tries to live as a muslim & obey her husband.
It's a true story and I would recomend it. Has anyone else read it?

10 Mar 2009 21:25

sorry I thought I'd posted this on the 'non Icmeler chat thread'

10 Mar 2009 21:35

That would be a good idea for ICR. Have a box where people can swap their read books for someone elses, it would also entice people to the ICR office and you might even get more trips booked with having more visitors.

I would only take 10% interest.............what do you think Rami/John?..... :lol:

Skilly the book sounds good, I love a good couple of books for my hols.

10 Mar 2009 21:38

I love a couple of good books on my hols too Reesy. I can't just read anything so I appreciate anyone recommending a good read as it is definitley part of my holiday
If the books rubbish I feel a bit let down.
I don't know about everyone else but I can literally get lost in a good book :)

10 Mar 2009 21:44

I tend to go for the romance/love/sad type stories, I love nothing better than a good cry........makes my holiday :lol:

10 Mar 2009 21:57

There has always been a big collection of books left at reception for other people to use swop

10 Mar 2009 22:08

admin wrote:There has always been a big collection of books left at reception for other people to use swop

Bang goes my commission :lol:
I didnt notice them, I must have been too busy talking to Donna :lol:

10 Mar 2009 22:09

i will bring some with me leave at the office am allways buying them

11 Mar 2009 10:48

We five always bring several each with us and always swop so there is a new lot of books all the time as most other people seem to do the same. If there is none we like we tend to go round other hotels where we know the staff and ask them if we can swop, no problem.

11 Mar 2009 11:24

I usually leave my read paperbacks in the hotel for others to read, but if there is a swap-shop going on at ICR i'll happily bring along my books.

Will Noel Edmonds be hanging around the office?

11 Mar 2009 13:25


I read that book a few years ago after recommendation from Briar on holiday truths. It is a true story written by the mum for her daughters. If you liked that you should read 'A Thousand Splendid Suns'. It was my favourite book of last year and is about two Afghan women the first wife and second wife living in the same household.

I usually have a case full of books so will drop mine off as well!

Any one needing a good cry should read 'The Boy in the Striped Pyjamas' cried me eyes out at the end of this..It is a book written for children really and you could read it in a couple of hours! Another one if you fancy a good cry is Jodis Picoult's 'My Sisters Keeper' remember reading this round the pool a few years back with tears flooding down my face :lol:

11 Mar 2009 15:16

I would definately recommend the book I'm reading at the moment, The Hour I First Believed by Wally Lamb, but would also recommend you wait till the paperback comes out, think it's April, as the hardback is like a house brick, would take half your luggage allowance :lol:
The book is almost 800 pages and I'm at 500 and don't want it to end, I'm loving it!

11 Mar 2009 16:38

Here we go gathering cups in May is a fantastic read

11 Mar 2009 17:09

The wife is reading "Tragedy On The Cliff" by Eilean Dover.
She has just finished "Snowlakes On The Oven Top"
Her favourite is "How to Pass the Driveing Test" by Stevie Wonder 8)


11 Mar 2009 17:39

Thanks Sandyglen, I will keep those books in mind.
Gene, I must be really thick cos I read your post and for an instant I really thought I'd like 'Tragedy on the Cliff' until I re read it :oops:

11 Mar 2009 18:19

If anyone likes a good muder mystery/thriller then Simon Beckett has just brought his third book out the first two were great!!!


12 Mar 2009 11:05

Anne Franks Diary is a very good read

13 Mar 2009 12:54

I'm a book freak :lol: and for a 2 week holiday I usually take about 8 or 9 books for reading by the pool!

If you like true stories, I have to recommend a book called "A piece of cake" by Cupcake Brown. It's about her life, she was fostered as a child by her uncle who was very abusive and she ran away and became a junkie, prostitute and gang member who was very active with guns and ended up in hospital pregnant and having been shot. She turned her life around and is now one of America's top lawyers. It's a truly incredible read.

Another that I really like is called "My best friend's girl" which is about a woman who sleeps with her best friend's fiance and falls pregnant. The friends fall out and don't speak for a few years until the friend who cheated contacts her friend to say she is dying and ask her to adopt the daughter which she conceived with the friend's ex fiance. Her best friend is black and it's an amazing story of how they overcame racism, grief etc together.

13 Mar 2009 14:07

I have read both those books jools and I agree they are both a good read :D

13 Mar 2009 15:16

Memory Keepers Daughter by Kim Edwards is a fantastic book

Norah's grieving for her baby girl, Phoebe, who died in childbirth. In another city, another woman raises Norah's little girl as her own. It's 1964 and a blizzard is blowing outside the small-town surgery where Dr David Henry finds himself delivering Norah's twins. Relieved, he sees that his son is born healthy, but recognizes the signs of Down's Syndrome in his daughter's face. In a split-second decision that will haunt their family for ever, he asks the nurse, Caroline, to take his daughter away. As his wife mourns the missing piece in their apparently perfect lives, can David prevent his painful secret from pulling his family apart
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