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Anything happening

10 Jan 2017 09:56

Hi is there anything happening in Icmeler at the moment?

Re: Anything happening

10 Jan 2017 17:00

Bonjour has been demolished and there are plans for a new park just as you come into Icmeler from the Marmaris road - but that's about all I've heard at the moment.

Re: Anything happening

22 Mar 2017 12:33

Romeo and Juliets closed down due to illegal build,so wont be open 2017.

Re: Anything happening

22 Mar 2017 12:59

Couple of new Şok supermarkets opened up - one on the main road where Yapi Kredi bank was, and the other on the road up past Romance towards the old village (where Ozzy's bar/Cadde Pide) was. I believe there are a couple of Turkish cafe/restaurant places opening up on that road as well. Incidentally, I also understand that Ozzy who had that restaurant is supposed to be taking over the old Champion Bar.

Re: Anything happening

22 Mar 2017 20:17

That's bad news Gene was in Romeo & Juliets several times last year their dark fruit cider was delicious have been going there for years always a nice atmosphere

Re: Anything happening

23 Mar 2017 11:56

Wayside closed, Hanedan opening for one last season, there are rumours that the building next to the Three Bells is going to be a new bar, a couple of the bars on the Marmaris path have been demolished, including Brothers Cafe. What was the Bonjour will now be a garden and pool, and an overspill of seating from the Ida next door. It's very quiet on this forum and several of the others this year in comparison to recent years. I hope that's not a bad sign.

Re: Anything happening

23 Mar 2017 12:54

I refer to the post i made under " changes " sunday may 25th 2014, yes i saw this coming 3yrs ago,so sad to see the demise of the resort and this forum,,,,this forum used to be alive with new posts,pictures, video,s, and has been replaced with who,s going in what month,and whats been knocked down or not opening ! gripping stuff ! read my post carefuly from 2014 and tell me it hasn,t happend,where are all the people now who said the changes were a great idea ? including our new moderator, ask youself if icmeler is better for the changes ? i think not, and just before you blame it all on terrorism DON,T, it has had an impact all over the world including icmeler,but icmeler,s troubles started with the " changes " most of you couldn,t wait for ! what does the next 3yrs hold for what used to be the best holiday resort on planet earth ? i dread to think.

Re: Anything happening

23 Mar 2017 17:04

Romeo and Juliet Bar is another friendly place that will be missed.
Been popping in there for years.

Re: Anything happening

23 Mar 2017 20:08

I agree with some of your comments Ian

I agree the forum is quiet but I think a lot of that is down to the way we interact with social media

Facebook seems to be the choice of many for posting and there are plenty of very active Facebook pages on Icmeler

Re: Anything happening

25 Mar 2017 11:00

I for one think Icmeler is better for the Improvements to the resort,I miss the canal stalls and the fairylights on the bridges but its not the end of the world.
I was a regular poster on this forum and visit most days but along with thousands of other users now use facebook and the other medias.
We all know the reasons for the fewer number of tourists visiting resorts all over the world so cannot just single out our resort of Icmeler as being the only one to suffer the lack of tourism.

As for the closure of a lot of the bars and restaurants it is due to the illegal building that went on over the years that the council have now caught up with.
This forum may be quiet but just get on the other medias and you will find that Turkey as an holiday destination is still buzzing.


Re: Anything happening

25 Mar 2017 23:46

you are ofcourse entitled to your opinion,,,if you still feel icmeler is a better place today then im happy that your happy . at least we will have a ghost town with a nice view is very comforting ! roll on the next 3 years !

Re: Anything happening

26 Mar 2017 00:40

After 58 posts Ian thank you for your prolific input,my view has and will always never change.

Re: Anything happening

26 Mar 2017 11:09

prolific, producing offspring,highly fruitful,profusely productive ,not quite sure where your going with that one,,,anyhow 58 posts is corrrect, and over 46 visits to icmeler over 17 years i think qualifies me to judge if icmeler is a better place today than just a few years ago,,,,we can debate many reasons as to why the numbers are well down,all i can say is in the more recent posts iv,e made it seems that the majority of people who like the changes are in there lets say " winter years of life " as iv,e said before its families with kids that pay the bills in icmeler and not the minority elderly , the selfish views of some elderly on here may never change , my view has and will never change !

Re: Anything happening

26 Mar 2017 12:40

Actually, there is a school of thought at the moment that there is a move towards attracting more Turkish tourists to the resort, which may be borne out by the fact that more private rental properties are springing up around the town. There were certainly plenty of Turks there when we were there in September - helped by the long public holiday at that time, of course. And ian, you are making assumptions about many of the posters on here - how on earth can you judge whether someone is, as you claim, in their "winter years"? Many may have been going to Icmeler for just as long as you - some probably longer - but that doesn't necessarily mean they are elderly, or indeed selfish, for that matter. It seems that unless people happen to agree with you, then you resort to insulting them.

Re: Anything happening

26 Mar 2017 13:11

as many of the members on here have there age on there profile its not hard to work out the average age on here,,,and how many are in there winter years,,,so my assumptions are based on fact not on guessing ! how many members on this forum are 35 and under ? as always blondie we disagree on most things but its not about everyone orbiting around ians planet and how dare they disagree with my views,its about facts,,,is icmeler better off today than just 3 yrs ago, ? many think it is,,,im not sure what that is based on ? many places in icmeler will never recover from the decline in numbers,,,,and my point is the " changes haven,t helped " and not the sole reason for its decline. i respect your knowledge of icmeler,i consider it second to none but sometimes you have to open your eyes and mind to be able to see the woods for the trees. ! off to see mother now...hope everyone has a lovely day with there families.

Re: Anything happening

26 Mar 2017 18:32

I was very critical of the mayors changes a few years back, possibly not on this forum.
We all fell in love with Icmeler for what it was, changes were not needed, in my opinion.
I also see it as obvious that Ian is 100% correct.
I liken it to Manchester United without Alex Ferguson.---What was a really brilliant team/holiday resort---- is now only a pretty good team/holiday resort.If that makes sense.
Having said that i will keep returning.
Only my opinion.

Re: Anything happening

28 Mar 2017 10:38

I'm 35 8)

Re: Anything happening

29 Mar 2017 00:19

south coast, how can he be 100% correct ? opinions are subjective, so by definition are neither right nor wrong

Re: Anything happening

29 Mar 2017 18:24

My opinion:

It was a bad move to:

* Remove the canal shops..
* Replace authentic red tile roofs with one style fits all type of aluminum roofs
* Regulation on building permits should have laid out clearly from the beginning, it was all those "illegal" shops, bars, and other establishments in Icmeler that made Icmeler a number 1 resort back in the days.
* Wednesday Market should have stayed as it was for the next 50 years.. any step taken to become more so called "European" like was a blow to Icmeler because Icmeler was not Europe or Turkey, it was Icmeler!
* Music Ban should have stayed at 2:00am or the proposed bar street should have been implemented.
* Icmeler should have its own council and mayor, the change to move Icmeler under Marmaris umbrella ruined it big time.

Change is good if it involves more fun in a summer resort, allows more prosperity, higher income or harder laughter to both locals and visitors but none of the changes above provided such but the good news is, all these major changes to Icmeler can be rectified and can be done quiet quickly with the right leader.


Re: Anything happening

29 Mar 2017 19:52

So cmac if i say in my opinion Chelsea will win the premier league this season no one can say they 100% agree with my opinion ?
If i say brexit is a good idea no one can 100% agree with my opinion ?
I bow to your greater knowledge.
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