For all your hints and tips to make your holiday to Turkey as easy and as comfortable as possible.
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12 Feb 2013 13:37

Hi,my other half has to go for a heart bypass shortly and we wondered what insurance company would be best/cheepest to be with for our holiday in July. :?:

Re: insurance

12 Feb 2013 15:19

Hi jayjay 1950,

I hope everything goes well with your other half ?. Back to the insurance question, you will probably find the insurance might be quite expensive ! Everyone will have a suggestion, but at the end of the day you do need to be covered for this kind of surgery and if anything goes wrong whilst your away, (fingers crossed nothing will), but its better to be prepared than to be hit with huge bills whilst on holiday. Have a look around and compare the benefits, and as I said Im sure friends on the forum will have lots of suggestions of Insurance Companys to look into.

Janine :)

Re: insurance

12 Feb 2013 17:30

Hi I had a quad bi pass 4 years ago last year I paid £156 for me and the wife with Avanti for annual ins give them a try good luck

Re: insurance

14 Feb 2013 12:07

hi jayjay,i had a quad by-pass in april 11,we went to turkey last year,and insured with staysure[i think] for about £160 for the two weeks.see how things go,i was so tired after my op[and sore] you do,nt think you may be rushing it a bit do you?i am sure you will know whats best for wishes to you,and if you go,go steady.

Re: insurance

18 Feb 2013 14:18

We had this holiday (flights and apartment) booked and paid for last year congyboy so didn't know this was going to happen. The specialist has assured us that he will be fine in fact said it will be good for him as it will help him take things easy. Thank you everyone who replied to my question, we knew it wasn't going to be cheep for the insurance once we found out about it, we will have to shop around, no way would I go without being fully covered even without this.

Re: insurance

20 Mar 2013 12:38

My parents have recently used Insure & Go and also in previous years Saga insurance. All I would say is it is better to pay a bit more for your insurance and have full cover than to try and save the pennnies and then find you are not fully covered and hit with a hospital bill.

Re: insurance

20 Mar 2013 21:43

Hi jayjay
Make sure you get a number of quotes as when I had to organise insurance for my mother recently they varied by about two hundred pounds and that was for a 15 day cruise in Europe. Travel insurance has gone through the roof this year and you have to declare absolutely everything that has ever been diagnosed as well as every test or scan you've had that came back positive. We used Staysure in the end as they were the cheapest for the same cover but each thing that I declared bumped the price up further. If you miss anything out though your insurance will be void.
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