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Newbie!! :)

04 Apr 2012 12:18

Hi All,

I'm going to be visiting Icmeler from 14th May with my boyfriend, spending 2 weeks at the Fantasia and I am sooooo looking forward to it!!!! Heard and read so many fantastic things about the place. I've been to Turkey about 6 or 7 times now, various places, fave so far being Olu Deniz (went about 4 years ago, last year and going there for 2 weeks in Aug/Sept this year as well).

I'm looking to book a few trips while we're in Icmeler, a couple boat trips/island visits and we want to do the overnight Ephesus/Pamukkale. I've been to both before on separate trips when we stayed at Altkinkum but want to do them again as my boyfriend has never visited either and an overnight stay with B&B seems the best option to me given the amount of travelling you have to do to get there!!!!

Best regards
Nic :D

Re: Newbie!! :)

04 Apr 2012 13:03

Hi & Welcome,
Have been getting lots of good advice & info of late from the forum & I'm sure you'll get the same. JT is likely to respond & ICR will more than likely have organised trips for what you are after. As you have done the trips before Nickylou you'll know what it's like & well worth the travelling, we did the overnight stay & would certainly say it's the best way to see both.

Re: Newbie!! :)

04 Apr 2012 13:21

As Roy says we can of course arrange all your excursions for you

Re: Newbie!! :)

05 Apr 2012 06:42

Thanks Roy & JT :D

It seems like ICR does some really good trips so we will definitely be paying the office a visit when we get there to book some up.
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