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hello everyone

18 Apr 2011 22:03

hi, just joined the forum, we are coming to icmeler in june for our 7th visit although have not been back for 3 years, so as you can imagine we're so exited to see all the change.We decided a few years ago to give icmeler a break & have a change & try somewhere different, BIG MISTAKE......so now can't wait to see all the friends we made there again. If i could ask one question for now does any of the members know if any of the bars sell strongbow yet, as we both like a wee cider..lol, cheers

Re: hello everyone

19 Apr 2011 11:11

Wellcome to the forum Tony and wellcome back to Icmeler :wink:


Re: hello everyone

19 Apr 2011 11:21

Hi tony and welcome to the forum - think I've seen Strongbow in a few places, but it won't be cheap!

Re: hello everyone

19 Apr 2011 11:56

Hi Tony,
Glad you have recovered from what ever it was that has kept you away from Icmeler.

Enjoy yourselves in June by having a Great Time.

Re: hello everyone

19 Apr 2011 17:51

think it was stupidity that took us away from icmeler, thought we might find somewhere better...hahaha, well sanity has returned, and greece, portugal & spain are no match, don't get me wrong we still had good holidays but no comparison to icmeler....lol
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