Can I have your opinions please!

For all your hints and tips to make your holiday to Turkey as easy and as comfortable as possible.

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Can I have your opinions please!

Postby jejo » 31 Jul 2009 21:38

Hello all, I have a question to ask and would like your opinions please. My son and his girlfriend are going to have a baby in January. When we booked our flights and holiday (through ICR) we didn't book for them as we obviously couldn't book for the baby. My question is "do you think it is a good idea to take a 5 month old baby at the end of June"? How easy would this be as there would be tons of baby stuff to take and there is only a baggage allowance of 15kg? I'm really not sure and we wouldn't be able to book until after the birth, giving us time to think about it. We could leave them at home, but the rest of the family will be with us and as they both will only still be 18yrs old I feel bad leaving them on their own. How have others coped with small babies on holiday? Also the baby could be a crier and this would be a major factor on our desicion as there is other people to consider, especially on the plane. Thanks in advance for anyone taking time to answer me.

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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby sheepy » 31 Jul 2009 21:56

Hi there :D

Totally a personal opinion, but I wouldn't want to take such a young baby on holiday abroad. There's the heat, the sun, and the worry about hygiene standards. The end of June, things will just really be hotting up.

There's also the thought about how good any medical facilities are - though I understand it's really high standard in Turkey. It's also not some third world backwater, you can get baby supplies in the supermarkets.

I wouldn't worry about leaving them for the week either. 18 is of course adult age, and sure they'll be totally fine. You soon get used to having a baby around remember, and at five months, he/she should be pretty much sleeping through by then.

You go enjoy your hol, they'll be fine, and - might sound harsh, but it was their decision to have children, it's one of the responsibilites and consequences which comes with that decision.

Course, if they decide to come, perhaps the holiday will really do them good, and you could perhaps "sit" for an evening and let them have a bit of a break maybe. Baby will surely be ok, but it's only my opinion - I personally wouldn't take one so young.

Hope you make the right decision anyway, and above all, have a great time.
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby swc24 » 31 Jul 2009 22:38

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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby Chris » 31 Jul 2009 23:33

We went beginning of June this year,our daughter came with us with her baby who was 10 months old,she wasnt a problem at all on the holiday,it was hot but we sat in the shade as much as we could,she seemed to cope much better in the heat more than us.going out in the evenings was no problem,she just fell asleep in her buggy,at home you have to creep around when she is asleep,but there the noise just didnt bother her,and she adapted back to her routine when we got home.Baby foods,Migros and Tansas only did jars and packets of puddings baby foods,small shops did do dinner jars,but very expensive,baby milk mainly Milupa brand,if the baby is going onto solids by then,take Milupa packets of foods,just add water.Nappies are not much different in price to here,Pampers are called Prima there.Babies do adapt better than us to the heat,offer plenty of fluids,and as I said keep in the shade as much as possilble,we all had a great holiday,probably the baby more than us,we areback again in Sept,just the 2 of us,bliss......
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby redmanc78 » 01 Aug 2009 06:59

go for it will always find a way to manage im sure.
me and my wife are going to icmeler on monday with our baby who was 1 last week.
naturally we are a bit nervous about how its gonna go but we have already packed and prepared as best we can in advance and the cases are no heavier than usual.just cut down on our own gear and tried to take everything we might need into account.
icmeler will be our first holiday as a family and we cant wait now so il let you know how we go on on return.
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby Katiehutchinson_1991 » 01 Aug 2009 10:35

i would go for it as there is always places you can go to take the baby out of the sun even though it will be hot
im sure you will all have a really nice time
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby JT » 01 Aug 2009 10:59

You should drop me a line as we do book babies on a flight before they are actually born.

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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby tinkerbelle » 01 Aug 2009 12:59

Would not hesitate. When you go as I bet you will you will see so many people with young babies and there is no problem. In fact it's easier than taking a toddler because they sleep so much at that age and the turkish people love babies and all children. Just go for it, I don't think the young couple will regret it.
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby jejo » 01 Aug 2009 13:37

Thanks everyone for your replies, I value your opinions on this forum. I would really feel bad if we left them at home as we do go on holiday as a family. Our 25yr old son and 21yr old daughter and their partners have always come with us, can't get rid of them! Admin, I didn't know you could book a flight for an unborn baby, that's good to know. I think I will take them with us as everyone has been very positive and I know the Turkish people love babies. I hope the baby is good on the flight, but there will be enough of us to keep it amused. Now I will have to save up for their flights as they have no money and are trying to get a house as soon as possible. Admin I will contact you about the flight as soon as I can.

Thanks again everyone.

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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby Jula » 01 Aug 2009 22:39


I'm in the same boat, me and Hubby are due a baby in January and have booked flights for next year, I was told by airline that i was just to call them after baby is born with name and DOB.

I have no qualms about taking baby to Turkey,my neice was only 5 months old when she went abroad for the first time and she was absolutely fine,like someone else said coped with heat better than adults. There is a large group of us going so will be able to get them to take some baby stuff for me and there is a place you can hire baby baths,travel cots,steralisers etc from so i might look into that before we go too. Also you can get most baby things over there in the bigger supermarkets.
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby juejue » 03 Aug 2009 15:08

This is a personal opinion. My opinion is that I wouldn't do it again. My husband and I took our son to Greece and he had his first birthday out there which is in August and it was a nightmare, he couldn't sleep because of the heat, he wouldn't eat anything and he got a really bad tummy even though we sterilised everything. We just did not feel like we had had a holiday at all plus we also have a daughter and she was 8 at the time and wanting to be entertained as well, we were glad to get home. I know now that most places supply cots but we had to lug a travel cot aswell as nappies and baby clothes. We also have friends that have travelled with young children under 1 and have said never again, maybe we are all wusses here in Derbyshire !! However saying that the Turkish people love children and the baby would get so much fuss.

On the mention of leaving them behind as they are only 18, as other people have said they were old enough to make the decision to have a baby so young so they should be able to look after themselves. I can remember however when I was expecting my son and we didn't go on holiday that year and the whole family disappeared to Icmeler for 2 weeks and left us behind .................. how rude :lol:

What ever you decide you must enjoy your holiday.
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Re: Can I have your opinions please!

Postby dangerdebs » 16 Aug 2009 08:57

I have travelled with both my children when they were 5 months.
The flights then allowed pushchair, carseat and nappies but this can vary.You can keep pushchair until you board if you wish. There was no usual luggage allowance until you pay for a seat for them at 2 years old. Taking off and landing caused a cry possibly due to ear pressure changes so a bottle/breast is a must. It was a pain trying to eat a meal on flight with baby on lap, due to not enough space for tray to come down, so I would request the front seats for more room and some have a metal cot that baby can lie in They slept on flight and on holiday they slept more frequently due to the heat and were contented when awake.
There was no problems with feeding and took own sterilising equipment and travel kettle.Just remember to provide more drinks ie water in addition to milk. I had a baby float ring that they loved to to float on in pool, and ideally kept them in the shade if not it was hat,large t-shirt & F50 suncream. I was concerned re mozzi bites but they did not get bitten, and took a mozzi net for when asleep in pushchair. I found that it was easier with a baby then with young children as you can enjoy the evenings as baby will be comfortable when asleep in pushchair, you can enjoy long walks, and not have to carry any shopping!
The pharmacies in Icmeler are very good but I would take own thermometer , Calpol and electolyte sachets and be also aware of where nearest Dr is situated for peace of mind
I hope you all have a great time :D :D
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