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06 Nov 2008 21:37

Hope all is good tonight again Lynda, I am nights Friday and Saturday if you need any company, just give me a holler.

Another good day for me. Hope everyone else is feeling positive and managing to stay motivated. Weekend will soon be here, but then again, weekend will soon be over and we have to weigh again.

07 Nov 2008 07:48

Its a 3 month Slimming Graph.Will do another when this is up











red wine.........

Mrs rhino........0lb...

Last edited by redrhino12 on 12 Nov 2008 13:45, edited 5 times in total.

07 Nov 2008 21:28

Hope all you Icmelerite slimmers (and everyone else) has a lovely weekend and you don't get too tempted by any goodies that you may later regret.

Nice little recipe I have had this week.

1 Syn on a Red Day.
Using frylite spray, fry chopped up onions, mushrooms, grated carrots and green peppers, then add some finely chopped cabbage, once cooked throw in some chopped up cooked chicken (or any meat) and stir in 2 tablespoons of oyster sauce (1 syn) and a sprinkling of soy sauce. You could always use 100g boiled weight of wholemeal pasta as a B option if required.

I dont need to add any salt to this recipe as the oyster and soy sauce are adequate.

08 Nov 2008 22:49

Gonna try your recipe next week Mary. Awful night in work tonight all the girls decided to get a take away which meant I sat in the office while they all had their meal.Really pleased with myself that I didn't give in but boy was it hard,I can still smell the chips oh well back to my cuppa soup.
Keep up the good work everyone.
We can do it


08 Nov 2008 23:04

Well done Lynda, that takes a lot of strength to say no, especially to chippie chips! I have just had my pasta n sauce now so feel quite full.

Hope you enjoy the recipe as much as I did, you can adjust it to any leftovers really, very tasty with the oyster sauce.

09 Nov 2008 14:28

Stayed the same this week, but its only what I deserve as haven't been very good. Last night we had friends round and had a curry, cheese & garlic bread washed down with a few cans of Strongbow. Will get back on track from tomorrow, but won't be overdoing it today

10 Nov 2008 10:06

Well done on your stay the same Dotty, better than a gain.

10 Nov 2008 14:07

3st 12lbs off now

I might have more bikinis than my daugher next year!

10 Nov 2008 14:38

Excellent Bella, well done - was that a 4lb loss this week?

10 Nov 2008 15:29

Excersise cycle installed,redrhino is looking for a loss this week.
Got to try and get rid of all that fosters I drank this weekend.


10 Nov 2008 16:49

I have to lose my vodka and mini sausage rolls that I munched on Sunday, before WI day on Wednesday.

12 Nov 2008 09:16

4lb This week.
But cheated a little as I weighed myselfe first thing in a morning when the body is at its lightest,but do intend to weigh myselfe at this time every week.
Good luck everyone.
Ann has her weigh in tonight,but again due to the bad weather hasnt got her walking in.
She has used the excersise cycle but finds it a little uncomfortable on her bottom.

Last edited by redrhino12 on 12 Nov 2008 13:49, edited 1 time in total.

12 Nov 2008 12:18

2lb off this week for me, so thankfully I managed to work off those sausage rolls and vodka from Sunday :lol:

Well done Gene on your loss this week and good luck to Mrs Gene for tonight. Hope her botty is feeling better now.

12 Nov 2008 12:37

2lb off for me today. :D
Well done Reesy,! I admire your discipline, with shiftwork it must be difficult, but you've cracked it! go girl!
Bella, you've done realy well! I'm aiming for 3st loss by next May; I've cut out the midweek drinking too, like you did,
Gene, 4lb is great, hope Ann does ok tonight.
Dotty, staying the same is better than gaining, you'll be fine.

I love this supporting each other, it's definately helping me when I read how hard is it for us all to keep the momentum, Lynda I take my hat off to you for not digging into those chips! It'll be worth it . :D

I keep visualising handing over my cash to the orphange fund, it's helping me stick to it.

12 Nov 2008 12:39

Well done Trish, excellent loss.

I just keep thinking about laying on that sunbed and Colette taking pics of me..........thats enough to stick to my diet :lol:

12 Nov 2008 12:49

he he that pic turned out ok , want me to post it :lol:

well done everyone, the ICR slimmers are doing fab :D

12 Nov 2008 12:54

reesy1959 wrote:Well done Trish, excellent loss.

I just keep thinking about laying on that sunbed and Colette taking pics of me..........thats enough to stick to my diet :lol:

:lol: Oh beach shots definately make me stick to it too! :shock:
Thanks Reesy, here's to week 3, I'm making veg soup today to take to work, since it's so cold!

12 Nov 2008 12:57

2lb off this week also. Haven't been on in a while as only finished nights this morning,have an extra one this week so back in again tomorrow,then off till Monday supose it keeps me out of trouble.


12 Nov 2008 13:04

Well done Lynda :D determination and not digging into those chips has paid off, well done, must have been torture, can't beat the smell of chips!

I don't get too much time to post on here lately either, but Wednesdays are my day off so I usually catch up then. Good luck for week 3.

12 Nov 2008 13:14

Isn't everyone doing well.Think we all deserve a pat on the back or my treat tonight is going to be a gin and slimline if I don't fall asleep in it.

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