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Sheepy's review July 2009, we came, we saw, we drank Efes

30 Jul 2009 12:46

So ok, as I'm recovered from jetlag, I suppose it's review time :D

After such a great time at Spring Bank, we booked again for 20th - 27th July, this time with ICR after discovering this site, and I'm possibly preaching to converted in many cases on here, but I can honestly say it's a better experience than booking with TC :wink: But anyway.....................

We originally tried to book a different apartment - the booking form said they were still available, but John called the day after and told me there had been a slight mess-up with the owner double booking - anyway, we were re-booked to the Mama Tuncay. Was pleased about this as didn't want to stay in town (Personal preference), but disappointed not to be staying at the other ones which are highly regarded on here. Still, no worries 8)

We used to book a local airport transfer company, but after the last time, not having availability, I looked into driving myself and using a park and ride. This is way superior experience in my opinion. You aren't being driven around all estates picking others up, waiting for them to decide to get up etc. If you want a toilet stop, it's as easy as pulling in, and it's a lot cheaper. Of course, you need to be someone who can drive after a night flight, I'm fine with this, but some people aren't - so it isn't for everyone.
So we arrived relaxed at Manchester Terminal three. Check in with BMI was good, we always take a packed lunch (Highly recommend this), visited the duty free for a "free squirt" of expensive aftershave so I smell like a movie star etc.

We sat together, but I was asked to move to an empty row next to the emergency exits for take off and landing. My daughter thought this was hilarious, as it was implying I was fat and they needed to redistribute the weight :shock:
No flight entertainment, no in flight meal, but come on - who needs these for a four hour flight. I'd rather relax, read a magazine, and doze. Really smooth flight with minimal turbulance, but a bit can help rock you to sleep, so perhaps this isn't all good, who knows :lol:

Arrived and panicked a bit - it was the first time we had used ICR transfers, and I didn't know how this worked. At last I noticed a tiny ICR card on top of a much larger banner. Eventually we got the attention of the guy there - and after this, everything went very smoothly indeed.
Great FAST transfer (Again, something I can commend ICR for, if you go with package hol companies, it can be two hours, with compulsary comfort stop, then traipsing around a dozen different hotels). Were offered water, which was appreciated. Journey was non-stop, which was also very appreciated, but we know that if anyone had needed a comfort stop, this only needed asking.

After dropping a family off at the Senem, I was a bit shocked to see us drive out and out into the old village - the location on the map of the Mama Tuncay wasn't right - but hey, it wasn't too far out.

Arrived - and the place was deserted. This is where I really got worried. What if this was going to be one of those horror stories you hear of, where you have to camp out until morning. Still, needn't have worried - a family member sleeps on a sofa near the door, and we were soon shown up to our apartment on the very top floor.

I've done a guestbook review of the Mama Tuncay, complete with pictures. No need then to go over old news, but suffice to say, it's extremely clean, very well maintained, a little bit basic looking in the reception - but I can recommend the place for a quiet holiday. Checkin was pretty much as you'd expect when the family owners had just woken up :lol: Friendly, but half asleep.
We requested the aircon to be switched on (Necessary, as it was really stuffy up there and warm). There was I have to say a little bit of a language barrier, but this is fine really. Just always remember when checking in to ANYWHERE to give your booking confirmation, give passports, and give a friendly smile - the latter is just nice to do, always treat people well you know.

Accommodation in general - a four story apartment hotel, in one block, overlooking a pool and toddler pool. Very attractive design, extremely clean. The apartments were cleaned every day. I don't think the towels were changed, this didn't bother us though. I'd recommend the place, we possibly wouldn't stay again though - simply because a change is as good as a rest - plenty of other recommended places to try after all :D

July - well it's hot hot hot. Temp was averaging the 40's, but - it's a cliche, however it really is a different heat to that which you get in the UK. You don't really feel it as much - or don't suffer it as much. That's not to say it wasn't too hot at times. One time at 2.30pm, we stepped out, and within 2 mins thought "Stuff this for a game of soldiers" and went back inside for a further nap in the aircon.

First night, we headed for our last time favourite restaurant the Villa Contes. I'm sorry to say though, the atmosphere just wasn't the same. It was one of the quieter place - and worst thing, the food wasn't up to much of a standard. I've not had tough chicken there before.
We didn't go back that week, but might try again next time we're over.

Other places we ate out -

Majestics - one of the top choices for atmosphere, and the food was excellant. As we approached, they recognised us from May and we got a round of applause :oops: I'd always recommend this place though, for a busy atmosphere if nothing else. At one evening, it was a little girl's birthday, and they let the kids get up and dance on the bar...how cute.
Oh, and this I was amazed about....something I'm very fussy about is chinese food. We have a very good takeout restaurant near me, possibly the best Cantonese I've had. I regard "chinese or indian" restaurants in resorts with suspicion. I ordered then the chinese two course with trepidation - and was astounded. The soup is possibly the best chinese soup ever. The peanut chicken was top notch - congrats to Majestics, and very reasonable indeed.
Course, even a pot noodle would be good with an Efes to wash it down, would it not :wink:

Dreamboys - we didn't want to go last time due to unacceptable hassle, but this time we thought we'd try them. I almost hate to say it, but the food was very good. There was just something though about the place I didn't quite like, can't say for certain what it was.

Chef - good as always, can't say much more.

Friends restaurant (Not the bar - the one with the waterfall). It was pretty okish and very acceptable. Didn't stay for entertainment as it just didn't feel to have the right atmosphere - but again, this is a very personal thing.

Ozzy's - now this is a place we didn't fancy trying last time, and we decided to give it a try after reading such glowing reviews on here. What a discovery. The food is extremely good, on a par with many good restaurants in Icmeler - and many are very high standard. It's out of the town, so nicely out of the bustle. The staff are really welcoming, and Ozzy is a top bloke. We made a habit of if not eating there, of popping in for drinks or a dessert (The baklava there is really recommended, as is the cappuchino).

We decided not to book any trips this time - it just felt too hot to be out all day. We did though get the dolmus to Marmaris, and spent a pleasant enough day walking, exploring the nicer streets around the old castle.

Didn't really notice any changes in Icmeler or Marmaris, but in two months, it would be worrying if there was. The market in Icmeler was back to "normal" it seems. Not just fruit, but along with the pleasant people wanting to sell their wares, there were a handful of the less welcome to meet types. Watch out for a guy selling towels, with that attitude........... :roll:
On the other hand, plenty of good people, especially pleasant to chat to is the guy selling honey from his father's hives (He'll show you a pic of the bees if you want)
Oh, and the women trying to pressure sell bracelets, they might manage to get them on your wife/daughter/girlfriend, but I can take them off just as quick, and they didn't like that :lol:

What would I change about Icmeler? Well, very nitpicking, but I don't like that big expanse of charred ground next to Tansas - it really beats the heat up and looks awful :lol:
I'm a bit surprised also that the local powers that be, don't go litter clearing more often - some of the streets, there's just too many discarded bottles. The street next to the Popin, leading to the path by the dry canal is a prime example, there's always loads of rubbish here and it's not so nice at all. But hey, small thing.
Talking of less savoury side - does the hassle guy at Bamboo bar next to the canal really think it's acceptable to shout "you are f***ing liars" at people if they say they don't want to drink there as they walk past :?

Anyway, always got to remember, the good makes up for the bad.

Couple of shops to recommend, or not recommend -

In the underground market area, the one on the left as you are looking at it facing where the direction of the beach - that is the real hassle area. Lots of guys on chairs against the wall, waiting to pounce and won't accept "no". The other side is not as bad on the whole. The first shop is bags and shirts - was pounced on by some 13 year olds minding the shop and calling me "mate", I don't think so!
The next shop sells shoes. This I was very disgruntled about indeed. I went in with my 11 year old, she's quiet at the best of times, and they tried to make me buy some very overpriced fake shoes for her. She quietly told me she didn't want them, and they then set upon us, saying she did like them really, it was me not wanting to pay the equivalent of £20 for them, telling her she was a baby for liking certain colours etc. In this country, this would have earned a very furious response shall we just say, but there I felt very uncomfortable, and just managed to get out. I refuse to allow this.

A bit further along, is a shop selling just tops. The woman owner is very sharp indeed, but really nice with it. I'd recommend here to get your "genuine fakes" :wink:

Out of the underground market, on the street above is "Three Sisters". These owners are very nice, and sell football shirts for very good prices. Slightly more expensive, but ran by a very chatty guy is the shop selling football shirts by the canal beneath Majestics. He even has a couple which are actual "genuine" :P

If you like Pashminas, I'd recommend a stall also in this area. It's the first one you come to walking towards the beach from Majestics. Very nice woman who will give you a fair price and spend the time with you. I don't know if the other pashmina stall further on is any good, you can only buy so many.

Anyway, when it was time to go back, the minibus arrived right on time. Couple of other pickups, and a comfortable fast ride back.
Checkin was good, but then the "fun" started.
Our flight back was delayed - the only departure which was that evening. No explaination, and over an hour - which for a 2.25am flight was no fun at all.
At 3, we were called to the gate, then there was another hours wait. An aircraft arrived, but then the small gate waiting area started to fill with people from an entirely different flight number. Even the Turkish airport people were getting disgruntled by the treatment by this airline.
To cut a long story short, our flight was by Thomas Cook airlines. It seems they have had trouble with staffing issues, and had decided without warning to cancel our flight, and send over a huge plane of the sort usually used for transatlantic flights and cram on passengers for two flights. Absolutely wonderful! :evil: Just what you need with small kids, and faced with a drive home at the other end.

Not happy to be back at all, can't wait to book to go back next year - but will wait for the right flights to appear :D

Thanks again to ICR for helping us put together a brill package there.
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