Photo Gallery for Icmeler, Marmaris and Turunc.
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Web Cam Wave

20 Jul 2012 15:37

Just in case anyone knows them or missed this, at 4.25 p.m. U.K. time



Steve :wink:

Re: Web Cam Wave

01 Aug 2012 20:15

Hi Steve, the wife and I were well-chuffed to see the photo of us you posted under "web wave" , it really cheered us up when we had just arrived back from Icmeler and had post-holiday blues! We were waving to our grown up sons who were online at home ( minding our 3 cats !!). As you can see, I was on the phone to my son asking him where the webcam was pointing so we could get in range for the camera. Next year we're going to take big cards with written messages for ours sons so we can save on phone calls!! Had a fab holiday, only downside was the extreme heat this year, we've been going to Turkey for many years around the same time and never known it quite so ridiculously hot! We stayed at Oren Hill apartments in Icmeler Old Town ( opposite the school ) and it was utterly brilliant ( freshwater pool was a dream).

Again, many thanks for posting our photo


Alan and Carole :)

Re: Web Cam Wave

01 Aug 2012 22:36

Hi Alan and Carole,
glad it made your day, and I was watching and managed to get a couple of screen shots. :D :D
I know where Oren hill are and usually walk around that area, lovely part of town, but we go in September so a little cooler. :wink: :wink:
Thanks for the reply,,,,,,
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