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My Turn

18 Aug 2005 00:33

The time has come folks for Genes Turn to visit Icmeler,go tomorrow morning Thursday from East Midlands fly at 8.00am.
I will have several drinks for you all and will try to visit as many bars as possible so that I can report back on my findings to you all on the forum.
After that I will try to enjoy my holiday and try to visit as many bars as possible purely as a tourist. :wink:

Be Good while I am away.


18 Aug 2005 00:40

Gene, Have a good time and please if you can find out what is going on out there, for people to come back complaining about various things. Don't have too many Effes or too much sun and enjoy.
We go to Cyprus a week on Saturday

18 Aug 2005 01:07

Have a great time Gene,with LOADS of the amber nectar(as usual,eh :wink: )take loads of photies too,so you can put them in the HT gallery.will miss your posts whilst you are away,but looking forward to hearing all about your holiday,on your return.take care and au revouir.

19 Aug 2005 03:22

Hey Gene

hope your having lots of efes when im posting this, have a brill time find us lots of new water holes and eateries lol :lol: :lol:
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