? for admin apartment videos

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? for admin apartment videos

Postby Diane Rigby » 27 Feb 2010 10:13

Some of the links for the apartments are not working. I don't think it is my PC as other apartment links work but some, including the Mete Apartments (which is the one I want to see) load and say ready but then nothing plays. Any chance of having a look. They don't work on my work PC or my sister's PC either. Many thanks Di.
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Re: ? for admin apartment videos

Postby JT » 27 Feb 2010 11:37

If they dont work and others do then it simply means that there isn't a video uploaded yet for that particular accommodation
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Re: ? for admin apartment videos

Postby Diane Rigby » 27 Feb 2010 16:23

Thanks for that. Di.
Diane Rigby
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