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PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 17:25
by Trish1998
Hi to you all

After being hooked on this wonderful forum for months I have finally taken the plunge and joined you. My husband and I have spent many holidays in Icmeler ourselves and then introduced my brother and sister-in-law to the delights of both Icmeler and Olu Deniz. We now alternate between both resorts. We are due to travel to Turkey at the end of September again and I wonder if anyone could recommend a reliable mozzie repellent as they make my life a misery - I may say they are not going to win as I will always return to my favourite place.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 17:27
by reesy1959
The only thing I use is Avon skin so soft dry body oil, I use this at night on my exposed skin after my evening shower and I didnt get one bite this year. Use the green one.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 17:27
by reesy1959
I forgot to say welcome to the forum Trish.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 17:48
by dotty
Welcome Trish. As Mary said Avon Skin so Soft is the best I've found too. Just came home on Thursday and got one bite the last day, because I'd already packed my Skin so Soft, serves me right!

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 18:18
by Anne
I got bitten out in Icmeler only came back on Friday, we took Superdrug repellant, which worked fine and stopped all the itching etc.

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 18:36
by Jozzyd
I bought Mosi guard in boots which is totally natural as i was pregnant (5 years ago), it worked better than any of the repellents which contain Deet. I got bitten alive on honeymoon 1998 (not Icmeler) 64 bites to my left leg alone, even the locals commented!! I have only ever had 1 bite in Icmeler and don't even use repellant :D :D :D


PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 18:55
by dsmith260
Ive take vitamin b1 thiamin from Holland and barrett.
They advise this vitamin and take it atleast two weeks before you go away. Its always helped for me. Ask them for advice.
Im taking it now as im going friday 3rd july.
Ill let you know if it keeps them away again

Worth a try


PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 20:29
by juju
I take one a day antihistamines all the time I'm there and use jungle gel...stinks but I never get one bite!Am paranoid as if I do get bitten comes up like a football! :roll:

PostPosted: 28 Jun 2009 20:29
by blondie
Well, not only am I a mozzie magnet, but I react really badly to the bites, which invariably become infected. This time. I got two bites on my right hand (and yes, had to go to the chemist to get tablets and cream for them - my hand was swollen up like a paw) but that must have happened either when we arrived at the airport or shortly after arriving, before I'd even thought to use my Avon SSS.
Used it religiously for the rest of my holiday and didn't get a single bite the whole time - although hubby and son collected a few between them. I'll be using the SSS right from the word go next time, believe me!

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2009 08:07
by LisaJM07
I'll be using the Avon SSS spray as that seems the most popular option!

Used it last year and didn't get any bites.

I just have to remember to order a bottle now!! :lol:

Lisa x

PostPosted: 29 Jun 2009 20:09
by mazz
I think the flies bite too, and always take some kind of spray repellent with me. Must try the Avon SSS it probably smells better than a lot of the others.

I can recommend Anthisan bite & sting cream if you do get bitten which available from supermarkets and chemsits. Works pretty much immediately. And if you're caught without any kind of after bite and have the urge to itch mix some salt to a paste with a little Efes and slap on the bite - seems to work!


PostPosted: 29 Jun 2009 20:15
by dksbbs
I now always put Avon SSS on in the morning before leavng home for the airport as I am sure I have been bitten on the plane on the flight to Dalaman or at the airport while waiting for the luggage. Better to be safe than sorry.


PostPosted: 29 Jun 2009 20:45
by blondie
dksbbs wrote:I now always put Avon SSS on in the morning before leavng home for the airport as I am sure I have been bitten on the plane on the flight to Dalaman or at the airport while waiting for the luggage. Better to be safe than sorry.


Good advice, Dave - I'll certainly be doing that next time, as I'm sure that's when I got bitten this time round.


PostPosted: 30 Jun 2009 17:55
by Trish1998
Thanks to you all for all your comments. I will be trying out all your tips.
For those of you who haven't had your Icmeler fix yet I hope you have a fantastic time and for those who have been already I hope it wont be long before your return visit.