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Holiday reviews submitted by real holidaymakers
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5th oct -17th oct

18 Oct 2011 12:25

just back this morning from a mixed bag of weather,first 4 days sunshine round 26-28 then on sunday strom blew up then 4 days thunder and heavy rain and cold , hoody gear on.couple more sunny days but temp down 23-24 daytme night time bloody cold.More places closeing by the day hotels shops and bars We have never been this late in season and would think twice before doing so again. Stay in Dilhan only 4 rooms in use our last 4 days like most of the town even Ai only half full or less.We went to our fav restaurants tandorri out standing as usual more about this on another day. Icmeler is getting ready for it's winter sleep after a long hot season. forgot to mention saturday & sunday power was of fron 7am -5pm for renewing cables so all in a right mix.
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